
Ξέρετε τι με απασχολεί ?

Η πρόκριση της εθνικής στον τελικό! Ναι, σοβαρά.

Αλλά δεν είναι ασυγκράτητη καγκουρία και ελληναρισμός που μου έχουν προκαλέσει αυτή την εμμονή. Είναι η αναζήτηση ενός νέου σοκαριστικού "πάτου" της ανθρώπινης αξιοπρέπειας.

Λεπτομερέστερα. Ο τελικός θα είναι στις 22.30, Κυριακή 16 του μηνός . Την ώρα που θα κρίνονται οι πιο "σημαντικές" εκλογές εδώ και κάμποσο καιρό. Σημαντικές πάντα, με την έννοια του derby. Και κόβω το παπάρι μου πως η προσοχή μας θα είναι εστιασμένη στον αγώνα και όχι στα επόμενα 4 χρόνια. Ναι, οκ, ο αγώνας είναι 1 ώρα οι εκλογές φαινομενικά διαρκούν μία αιωνιότητα αλλά μην μου το χαλάτε, πρέπει να ικανοποιήσω τον εθισμό μου.

Εθισμός στις αποκαλύψεις για την σοκαριστική μας απάθεια, για την εγκληματική μας αδιαφορία. ΘΕΛΩ ΚΑΤΙ ΚΑΙΝΟΥΡΓΙΟ ΝΑ ΜΕ ΕΚΠΛΗΞΕΙ. Να με κάνει να πω για άλλη μία φορά "κοίτα που φτάσαμε ρε γαμώτο". Το τελευταίο μου fixaki ήταν μόλις έμαθα για το ξεπούλημα της Ζαχάρως, και δεν με κράτησε ούτε για 5 λεπτά. Όλοι το περιμέναμε. Η απάθεια των ντόπιων, η καταστολή που σερβιρίστηκε ως απάντηση στις ¨ασύμμετρες απειλές" οι οποίες με την σειρά τους αποτελούσαν απάντηση στην καταστροφική ανικανότητα του κρατικού μηχανισμού και λοιπά άλλα κωμικοτραγικά έχουν περάσει, αφήνοντας μονάχα μία αίσθηση αηδίας και τίποτα άλλο.

Πολλές οι δικαιολογίες για το πώς έφτασα σε αυτήν την κατάσταση. Μήπως θέλω να νιώσω καλύτερα για τον εαυτό μου ? Μήπως είμαι μισάνθρωπος ? Ή απλά ΘΕΛΩ ΝΑ ΠΙΣΤΕΥΩ πως μπορώ ακόμα να εκπλαγώ από τον λαό μας. Θέλω να πιστεύω πως δεν έχουμε φτάσει τόσο χαμηλά ώστε η κάθε τι εξόφθαλμη αδικία,εκμετάλλευση,καταπάτηση δικαιωμάτων να μην είναι δεδομένη και αναμενόμενη. Θέλω να μπορώ να σκέφτομαι "ε τα έχω δει όλα ΑΥΤΟ ΔΕΝ ΤΟ ΠΕΡΙΜΕΝΑ". Θέλω να μπορώ να συζητάω για την κατάντια μας χωρίς να καταλήγουν ομόφωνα όλοι οι συνομιλητές στο "ε, δεν τα ξέρεις τώρα ? Αναμενόμενο." ΘΕΛΩ ΝΑ ΜΠΟΡΩ ΝΑ ΕΚΠΛΗΣΟΜΑΙ.

Τα χάσαμε όλα. Δάση, χρήματα, συντάξεις, εκπαίδευση, δικαιώματα, αξιοπρέπεια αλλά προσωπικά διατηρώ το ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑ ΣΤΟ ΟΝΕΙΡΟ. Και όχι καμία χίπικη παπαριά περί αγάπης και αηδίες. Δικαίωμα στο να ονειρεύομαι πως ίσως να υπάρχει κάποιο βάθος που δεν έχουμε εξερευνήσει, κάποια καφρίλα που δεν έχουμε κάνει, κάποια ανυπεράσπιστη ομάδα που δεν έχουμε καταπιέσει. Δικαίωμα στο όνειρο του μία μέρα να δω κάτι που θα με συνεπάρει με το πόσο λάθος είναι, γιατί αυτή την στιγμή τα περιμένω όλα.

Ίσως κατάρριψη του Άι Βασίλη από F-16 για παραβίαση εναέριου χώρου ?


Something for the english-speaking crowd

Dear ________, in response to your e-mail :

It wasn't snotty and it wasn't a one-liner, it was my actual opinion. On the days you mailed me 2/3s of the Peloponnese were burning to the ground. As in, 2/3 of the cake,2/3 of the whole, not a forest here a forest there; green , then black. Moreover, a million different fires were popping up all over the place. We.were.burning.the forests. The measures to follow, the response, the plans for reconstruction. If you look just a little bit behind the fancy speeches, it's obvious that they (we) will carve this place up until it's one big Hilton. The only reason this was such BIG NEWS and OMG THE HUMANITY to the greek media was because of the delicious delicious corpses. Fuck'em.

It is my belief that as a people we are incompetent and unable to be responsible for this beautiful piece of land and history. I think we should petition the Germans to come back or lease the place out to the Swedes or something.

There are innumerable people organizations institutions and politicians to fault but in the end the people have the government they deserve, no ?

We suck. Sorry about the brevity of the response but I am still shocked at how low we can stoop. I think the phrase "this place sucks" struck home with unexpected force. The people here suck and we're all trapped here with each other for ever and ever and ever.
Pity the Greeks.

PS : moreover, here's what happens in my head before coffee :

fuck this place fuck everything seriously. From abroad it probably seems like such a tragedy for the poor lil' Greeks. Fuck us up the ass with a steaming leek . Everyone and I mean EVERYONE to an extent, caused this. The prime minister well, he's head profiteer and bullshitter no need to go into depth. Hell let's make that assumption for all high levels of gov. Nothing had been done even though Kostas Karamanlis declared "We're ready for the summer fires" way back in the beginning. 4000 fireman positions were scrapped last year. Forests are left completely unprotected. The fire brigade is infested with "party babies" as in "the political party's chums". Instead of competent people there are connected people in important positions. The Forest Department is corrupt beyond belief and requires bribing in order to give you a permit to cut THE TREES THAT HAVE ALREADY BURNED! Meanwhile there's not a single fire break in all those villages. Local government simply did not bother to take the steps to save their own fucking village. Mayors are just as responsible as ministers. THE VILLAGERS THEMSELVES! besides not giving an all round fuck beforehand, i was hearing stories of people ceasing to aid in the fire-fighting as soon as their house was safe from the flames. People counting on volunteers for the cleanup while they chilled in the village cafe, with shit still in embers. Political parties are circling the corpses of the burned like it's an all-you-can-eat buffet . Elections are in 5 days and you WOULDN'T BELIEVE (honestly) the level at which political debate is taking place. We're not discussing low-blows, we're talking about hiring 5 thugs, dragging your opponent in a dark alley and then auctioning off his kidneys. It's PASOK's best chance to get up on top, ND is desperate for victory and the smaller parties see it as an opportunity to market some revolution to us be that from the far left or right. It's like an Arab bazaar, the dealing, the backhanded moves the shady deals the empty promises and EVERYONE HAWKING THEIR BULLSHIT. And we buy it. By God we love it. People still show up to the rallies of the political parties, singing their stupid anthems and waving their stupid flags and not realizing they're just joyously un-lubricating the dildo that will be up everyone's ass for the next 4years.

Hey you know what the gov's response was to the fire outbreak on the days of that "national disaster" ? MORE COPS ON THE STREETS ! SERIOUSLY WHAT THE FUCK! Here we have a Western Democracy whose response when the shit hits the fan and the people are getting pretty pissed off is TO USE MORE COPS to shut us up. What the fuck man. They used flash bangs against peaceful protesters of all shapes sizes and ages on the last big protest in Syntagma. Is this a European democracy ?

Seriously, this country is up for a revolution unless we get our shit together. Not because we're so wild and independent thinkers, not because we have grand ideals and not because we envision a better tomorrow. One day, later rather than sooner, the shit is going to hit the fan in a massive way. You can only increase the pressure that much in a system, no ? And I hope I'll be alive to see it. A revolution of VENTING a revolution not based on political beliefs but on the fact that everyone in charge is fucking the people so hard and fast, and the people are fucking each other so good and the cops are fucking everyone with a spiky nightstick. We'll storm the streets, burn the parliament, and when we calm down look at each other and recognize in our neighbor all that is wrong with this place and with US we'll fucking tear each other's throats apart. And it's going to be a glorious day for modern civilization.

Bet you wished we'd have stuck with brevity.


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